Thursday, November 18, 2010

Review Guide for the Chapter 14+15 Test

Extent of the Mongolian Empire
What allowed the Mongolians to conquer such a vast territory

Social: Mongolian
Tribal organization
Empire creates universal legal code/ peace for much of Asia
Russia develops separate from Europe/ Peasants=serf
Mongolians forbidden to marry Chinese
Confucian scholars reduced to low-level government jobs
Mongolian women refused to adopt Chinese customs
Social: Outside Mongolian Empire
1/3 of population dead in Europe due to plague
Renaissance starts in Italy: What factors allowed this to happen?

Male leader-held power as long as he was able
Early life of Chinggis Khan
First successful campaign-northern China
Grandson Kublai Khan takes Song China
Conquest of Middle East proves bloodiest
Empire divided into 4 parts upon death of Chinngis
Conquest of Russia-Why so easy
Know you Khanates!
Failed conquest of Japan/ Defeat by the Mamluks of Egypt
Political: Outside of Mongolian Empire
Ming Dynasty (Peasant dynasty) to replace Yuan
-Zhenghe explorations

Mongolians not big on religion
Tolerant of religions throughout the empire

Intellectual/Technology: Mongolian
Military organization-cavalry
Tactics used by Mongolians on battlefield
Weapons-long and short bow, bronze cannons, mace
Mongolian rule prevents Russian contact with Western Europe- Why is this a bad thing during the time period?
Intellectual/Technology: Outside Mongolian Empire
Renaissance culture concerned about humans and earthly world (secular)

Economics: Mongolian Empire
Empire promoted trade
Moscow=tax collection
Economics: Outside Mongolian Empire
When Turkish take over Middle East, did not promote trade
Europeans hit the high seas when trade in Middle East is disrupted

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