McCabe Name:_____________________
A.P. World History
Chapter 24 Study Guide
The Making of the European Global Order
Intro- Shift to Land Empires in Asia
1. In contrast to the earlier centuries of overseas expansion, the European powers were driven in the late-19th century by _________________ with each other.
2. In most of the areas they claimed as colonial possessions the Europeans established _____________________.
3. The people who ran the ________________________________ and __________________________Companies had little interest in territory acquisition.
4. Rather than by government ________________ or ____________________, most territory acquisition made during this time in Asia were through ___________________.
5. In the 1750’s, Dutch agents were successful in establishing complete control of the __________________________.
6. The Dutch were to remain below and pay tribute to the sultans of ________________.
7. The British East India Company was able to take control of the subcontinent by using Indian mercenary fighters called ________________.
8. Identify: British Raj-
9. The British were able to defeat a combined force of Indian and French fighters at the ___________________________ in 1757.
10. Identify: Robert Clive-
11. ____________________ came under British control due mainly to money supplied by Hindu bankers to get back at a Muslim prince that owed them money.
12. British success in India was due mainly to the collapse of the __________________.
13. Identify the cities that became the administrative centers of the three Presidencies established under the British East India Company.
14. By the Mid-19th Century, Indian soldiers in the pay of the British outnumbered British officers and enlisted men in India by almost ____________.
15. Prior to 1850, the Dutch and the British were content to leave the _______________ of Java and India pretty much as they found them.
16. Could a European Male marry an indigenous female during this time?
17. Out of fear of offending _____________ and ______________ living in India, the British refused to allow Christian missionaries to enter into their territories until the second decade of the 19th century.
18. Identify: Nabobs-
19. Although a failure during the American Revolution, __________________________ was able to combat corruption in India during the 1790’s.
20. The ________________________ religious movement called for an end to slavery and corruption throughout the British Empire.
21. The philosophical movement that supported social reform in the British colonies was _________________________.
22. Identify: Jeremy Bentham-
23. The British reformers of the time focused much of their efforts on ending _________ or the practice of Hindu women throwing themselves on a husbands’ funeral pyre.
24. Identify: Ram Mohun Roy-
Industrial Rivalries and the Partition of the World (1870-1914)
25. By the 1870’s, European powers had reduced most of these three areas of the world to colonial possessions.
26. Science and Industry heightened _____________________ and ________________ between the European powers.
27. Educated inhabitants of French colonies were often granted _________________.
28. In the first half of the 19th Century, Britain was the dominant power in regards to ________________ and __________________.
29. The development of mass journalism and the extension of the vote to the lower middle and working classes in industrial Europe and the United States made __________________ a major factor in foreign policy.
30. Asian and African societies often resisted ________________ colonial rule with little success.
31. The only country in Africa that was not controlled by European colonialists was ____________________.
32. Identify: Isandhlwana-
Patterns of Dominance: Continuity and Change
33. _________________________were colonies where small numbers of Europeans ruled large numbers of non-western people.
34. Identify: “White Dominion”-
35. In many cases, Europeans exploited longstanding ethnic and cultural divisions between _______________________ to conqueror territory.
36. Unlike Java and India that had state supported schools, Western language education in ________________ was left largely to Protestant and Catholic Missionaries.
37. Many of the European government officials brought their ____________________ with them causing tension among the rising African and Asian middle classes
38. Identify: “Head” and “Hut Taxes”-
39. Areas in Africa that traditionally produced food crops were now involved in the production of commodities such as ______________, ________________, _______________ and ____________, which were in great demand in the western world.
40. In reaction to the British capture of ________________________, the Boer farmers moved further into the South African interior.
41. The South African colony was annexed by the ______________ in 1815.
42. ______________________ and the ____________________ were the two Boer Republics that were established in the interior.
43. Identify: Boer War (1899-1902)-
44. The Maoris tribe of New Zealand was nearly wiped out by ____________, _______________ and ________________.
45. Identify: Captain James Cook-
46. Identify: Kamehameha-
47. After much experimentation, ____________________ became the primary crop grown on the Hawaiian Islands.