Monday, January 31, 2011

Week of January 31st.........

In preparation for the possibility that we may have a closure this week, I went ahead and posted the entire set of Chapter 23 and 24 notes.  Please check local news and the district website to actually verify that the school is closed!  The test is still scheduled for this Friday (February 4th).  It may also be a good idea to bring all of your needed materials home (for my class and your other academic classes) Monday and Tuesday night just in case.  With any luck, we will have some time toward the end of the week to discuss the next essay format (Change and Continuity Over Time).  I know everyone was very excited about it going into this week, but it looks as if Jared Diamond is going to make his appearance early next week.  Stay Warm!

Chapter 23+24 Notes......

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chapter 23 Study Guide (Due Monday 1/31)

McCabe                                                                      Name:_______________________
A.P. World History
Chapter 23 Study Guide
The Emergence of Industrial Society in the West

Introduction- The Age of Revolution

1.  In 1750, Western Europe consisted almost entirely of ________________.  By 1914, many monarchies had been ________________ and everywhere powerful legislatures, based on extensive _________________ systems, defined much of the political apparatus.

2.  Identify: The Age of Revolution-

3.  Identify the three forces that were about to shatter the calm in Europe during the mid-18th century?

4.  Identify: Population Revolution-

5.  Reducing the movement of disease bearing ________________ and improved __________________ (courtesy of the potato) reduced the death rate in Europe.

6.  The pressure of a growing population drove many people into the ________________ class as they lost the chance to inherit property or political positions.

7.  Identify: Proto-Industrialization-

8.  Population upheaval and the spread of a property-lacking class that worked for money wages saw many people adopting a more _________________ style of dress.

9.  Identify three main causes of the American Revolution?

10.  In 1789, the United States government set up a new constitutional structure based on ________________________ principles.

11.  What were the main causes of the French Revolution?



12.  What year did the French revolution begin?

13.  Identify: Louis XVI-

14.  Identify: Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen-

15.  The Storming of the _______________________ on July 14th became a lasting symbol of the French Revolution

16.  As a result of the first phase of the French Revolution, a general proclamation abolishing ________________________ was issued giving peasants clear title to land, ____________________ property was seized, and a strong _______________________ was set up to limit the power of the king

17.  Identify: Guillotine-

18.  Identify: Reign of Terror-

19.  Identify: Maximilien Robespierre-

20.  Napoleon Bonaparte became emperor during the ________________ phase of the French Revolution.

21.  What were some of the liberal gains made during the reign of Napoleon?

22.  What year did the European alliance crush the French Empire?

23.  Diplomats at the ________________________________ did not try to punish France too sternly on the grounds that the European balance of power should be restored.

24.  What were the results of the Congress of Vienna in regards to the following countries?
            A.  Britain-

            B.  France-

            C. Russia-

            D. Prussia/Germany-

25.  Identify: Conservative-

26.  Identify: Liberal-

27.  Identify: Radical-

28.  The Greek’s fought for their independence against what nation?

29.  The __________________ revolution of 1830 produced a liberal regime and a newly independent state.

30.  Identify: The Reform Bill of 1832-

The Consolidation of the Industrial Order (1850-1914)

31.  In 1850, for the first time in human history, more than a ________________ of the population lived in western cities.

32.  Stable population levels throughout the western world were a result of low ________ rates and low _______________ rates.

33.  By 1900, _________________ of the Western population enjoyed conditions above the subsistence level.

34.  In the time between 1860 and 1873, the number of corporations in western Europe _________________.

35.  Identify: Louis Pasteur-

36.  One of the Conservative political strategies after 1850 was to develop ___________ reforms but save elements of the _______________________.

37.  Identify: Benjamin Disraeli-

38.  Identify: Count Camillo di Cavour-

39.  Identify: Otto von Bismarck-

40 .  The _____________________________ was the first conflict based extensively on industrial weaponry and technology.

41.  Define socialism.  How was it supposed to work?

42.  Socialism produced a strong political party in the country of __________________.

43.  How is revisionism related to Socialism? 

Cultural Transformations
44.  __________________ theory stated that all living species had evolved into their present form through the ability to adapt in a struggle for survival.

45.  Identify: Romanticism-

46.  ________________________ was a theory that stated that the United States develop on its own terms with only incidental contact from Europe.

47.  During the 19th century, the countries of _____________, __________________ and __________________________ filled with European immigrants.

48.  Early in its history, the Australian colony was established as a _________________.

49.  Which countries were members of the Triple Entente?

50.  Balkan nationalism nearly caused war on several occasions between which two countries?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Welcome to Second Semester......

Welcome back!  This week we will be starting into our next time period (Industrial/ Age of Imperialism).  We will be focusing this week on the shifting of European governments and the take over of territory in the Middle East and Asia.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Final Exam Week......

Good luck with all your final exams this week.  Remember to save all material from first semester.  Red folders will be cleared out on exam day.  If you have anything you want to save from these folders, please take it out prior to starting the exam.

Monday, January 10, 2011

DBQ for tomorrow....

-The first person listed is almost always the author.  Many times, the author is writing about someone else and people often mistake the subject of the document for the author…read carefully!
Knowing the following vocabulary will be of big help on this particular DBQ exercise…

You will have the entire period so read the documents carefully.  When finished, you will be able to work on your Chapter 21 Study Guide so remember to bring your book.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Chapter 20 Study Guide

A.P. World History
Chapters 20 Study Guide
Africa/Atlantic Slave Trade

Intro/ The Atlantic Slave Trade

1.  The first Europeans to establish trade relations with Africa were the ______________.

2.  Where was the most important Portuguese trading port located?

3.  Most European trading forts in Africa were established with the consent of ________________________.

4.  Portuguese missionaries successfully converted the Kingdom of Kongo to Christianity with the help of the leader,__________________.  

5.  How did the Africans view the Portuguese? 

6.  How did the Portuguese view the Africans? 

7.  Identify: Angola-

8.  Why did the slave trade in Europe decline during the middle Ages?

9.  The Portuguese and other European powers found that it was easier to ____________ for slaves rather than _____________________ along the coast of Africa.

10.  The slave trade grew significantly due to the establishment of plantations in _______________________.

11.  What was the approximate number of slaves shipped across the Atlantic between 1450-1850? 

12.  What was the average mortality rate for slaves shipped to the Americas?

13.  The 18th century was the great age of the Atlantic slave trade with an estimated ______________________ slaves sent to the Americas.

14.  In most of the Caribbean, slave mortality was _________ and fertility was ______.

15.  Besides the Atlantic slave route to the Americas, slaves were also traded heavily in _____________________.

16.  The Trans-Saharan slave trade consisted of mostly ______________ who were to be used as concubines and domestic servants, while the Trans-Atlantic trade focused on ____________ who were used for plantation labor.
17.  The English started the ___________________________ to ship slaves to supply labor for their colonies in the Americas.

18.  Identify: Indies Piece-

19.  Although African and European states tried to establish monopolies over trade, _____________________ often circumvented restrictions.

20.  Identify the products that were received by each continent under the Triangular trade.

A.  America-

B.  Europe-

C.  Africa-

21.  The slave trade made Africa dependant on European countries, which produced this negative effect?

African Societies, Slavery and the Slave Trade

22.  Define: Nonegalitarian

23.  Most African societies did not enslave their own people; rather, they enslaved __________________.

24. What empire on the Gold Coast rose to prominence during the time of the Atlantic Slave Trade?

25.  Identify: Osei TuTu-

26.  Identify: Asantehene-

27.  The Kingdom of Dahomey rose to power mainly with the help of European __________________, seizing coastal ports and eliminating royal families and customs from conquered areas.

28.  On the East coast of Africa, the Swahili trading cities continued commerce with both the __________________ and the _____________________.

29.  How was slave trading on the Indian Ocean different than trading on the Atlantic?

30.  Identify: Bunyoro-

31.  Identify: Hausa-

32.  Identify: Usuman Dan Fodio-

33.  Identify: Sokoto-

34.  The Northern Savanna region of Africa was dominated by what religion? 

White Settlers and Africans in South Africa/ African Diaspora

35.  Which part of Africa was affected very little by the slave trade?

36.  The ______________ Speaking peoples occupied much of the eastern regions of South Africa.

37.  Where did the Dutch East India Company establish a provisioning post for ships sailing to Asia?

38.  Identify: voortrekkers-

39. Identify: Great Trek-

40.  Identify: Shaka-

41.  Identify: mfecane-

42.  The _________________________, or slave voyage to the Americas, was traumatic and saw many of the slaves die on the voyage before they reached the New World.

43.  Although the Middle Passage robbed many Africans of their freedom and dignity, one thing that stayed intact even after their arrival in the Americas was ______________.

44.  Although most slaves from Africa were directly involved with agriculture, what other areas of American economy/ society were they involved with

45.  Identify: Saltwater Slave-

46.  Identify: Creole Slave- 

47.  Because ______________________ were so high, plantations located in the Caribbean were more reliant on the African slave trade.

48.  By 1850, less than ______% of the slaves located in North America were African born.

49.  Identify: obeah-

50.  Identify: candomble-

51.  Identify: vodun-

52. Identify: Palmares-

53.  Identify: Suriname-

54.  There is historical disagreement about the end of the slave trade; what are the two dominant theories?

55.  Identify: William Wilberforce-

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Chapter 19+20 Test Review

First colonies in the Americas?
First major production zone-Brazil
Treaty of Tordesillas
Territorial differences between Spanish and Portuguese empires
Middle Passage

Bartolome de las casas
Why were many Native American leaders allowed to maintain power?
Slavery-what percent of pop in Brazil?
Social structure of new world
Slavery in Europe around 1450?
How many slaves sent to new world?  Why so many?
North American vs. South American colonies
Were slave rebellions common?

Lawyers in the new world?  What purpose did they serve?
How did the slave trade help African empires?

Christianity dominate

Technological advantages of the Spanish over the Native American

Commercial systems of Spanish and Portuguese (how they got money)
Encomiendas-Why was this system eventually eliminated?
Agrarian (agricultural) economy with main economic activity of mining
African Trade forts or factories
Triangular trade
Trans-Saharan vs. Trans-Atlantic trade (impact on Africa?) (was it profitable?)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Chapter 19 Study Guide

Chapter 19 Study Guide
Early Latin America

Introduction/ Spaniards and Portuguese: From Reconquest to Conquest

1.  What was the ancient capital of the Incas?

2.  What products came from the Spanish and Portuguese colonies of Latin America?

3.  Who were the Iberians?

4.  During the Middle Ages, which Christian kingdoms emerged in Europe?

5.  Identify three major events that happened in Spain in 1492.



6. Define Encomiendas

7.  The political organization of Portugal and Castile was made up of what groups of people?

8.  Portugal developed an agricultural economy heavily based on what product?

9.  Spain’s first established colony in the New World was located on what island?

10.  How were the Spanish cities in the Caribbean different from those of Europe?

11.  By the 1520’s, what two activities had replaced gold-hunting expeditions in the Caribbean?

12.  Identify: Bartolome de Las Casas

13.  Identify: Hernan Cortes

14. Identify: Moctezuma II

15.  Identify: Tenochtitlan

16. Identify: Francisco Pizarro

17. Identify: Francisco Vazquez de Coronado

18. Identify: Pedro de Valdivia

19.  What advantages did the conquistadors have over the Native Americans they encountered?

The Destruction and Transformation of American Indian Societies/ Colonial Economies and Governments

20.  Whom in Indian society did the Spanish conquers eliminate?  Whom did they keep in place?

21.  Although most of Central and South America was agrarian, ______________ was an essential activity and the basis of Spain’s rule in the West Indies.

22.  What metal was heavily gathered in both Mexico and Peru?

23.  The Haciendas (rural estates) of the Spanish colonies began producing goods primarily for _____________________________.

24.  The raising of sheep in Ecuador, New Spain and Peru lead to the development of  __________________ where common cloth was produced.

25.  Define: Consulado

26.  The fleet system that Spain used for trade in the colonies was made possible largely by what type of ship?

27.  Much of the silver that came from the Americas did not stay in the Spanish treasury because it was needed to pay for __________________.

28.  Additionally, the arrival of American silver contributed to ____________________ and ______________________ first in Spain and later throughout Western Europe.

29.  The _____________________________ gave Portugal all claims to the east and Spain all claims to the west in the New World by drawing a hypothetical line around the global.  The country of _________________ belonged to Portugal.

30.  The King of Spain ruled the colonies in the New World through the ___________________________, which issued laws and gave advice to the king.

31.  To govern the Americas more effectively, Spain created two _________________________ located in Mexico City and Lima.

32.  The viceroyalties were subdivided into 10 judicial divisions called _______________________. 

Brazil: The First Plantation Colony/ Multiracial Societies

33.  Brazil was settled mainly to produce ______________, which was in short supply in Europe.

34.   ___________ did most of the backbreaking work on the plantations.

35.  Although white planter families and African slaves occupied the upper and lower classes of society, __________________________ represented a growing segment of the population.

36.  The Brazilian economy took a dive in the 1680’s until a group known as the __________________found _______________ in the interior of Brazil.

37.  In what region was gold discovered in Brazil? 

38.  The discovery of gold and diamonds in the Brazilian interior was a mixed blessing;

39.  The port of Rio de Janeiro grew in size and importance due to its proximity to what money generators? 

40.  People in Brazil were categorized by

41.  By 1700, Slaves made up            of the Brazilian Population

42.  Who are the castas? 

43.  Who are the peninsulares? 

44.  Who are the creoles?

45.  A growing sense of self-identity contributed to the movements for _____________________ in Latin America

46.  Marriages in the Americas were often _______________ and accompanied by a ____________________.

The 18th Century Reforms
47.  By the 18th-Century, Spain’s hold in the New World was reduced by

48.  When the Spanish king, Charles II, died without an heir, _____________
_____________________________________recognized a member of the Bourbon family as the rulers of Spain.

49.  Spanish dynasty responsible for eighteenth century reforms within the Spanish empire. 

50.  Identify: Jose de Galvez

51.  Bourbon reforms and commercial changes were a double-edged sword for the American economy.  As Spanish and English goods became ___________________and more ______________________, they under-sold ________________________.

52.  Identify: Marquis de Pombal

53. What disrupted old patterns of power and influence, raised expectations, and sometimes provoked violent colonial reactions in both Spanish America and Brazil?

54.  Identify: Tupac Amaru

Welcome Back! Week of January 3rd.......

We are entering the homestretch with only a couple weeks until final exams.  If you did not make pick up a final exam checklist, please see me in class for a hard copy.  This checklist is not a graded assignment but rather a way to review for the upcoming final exam.  This week we will be covering Chapters 19 and 20 (A period of time that can be best summarized as “The Building of the Americas”).  The Chapter 19 Study Guide is due on Tuesday January 4th.  The test for Chapters 19+20 will be moved to Monday January 10th .  Looking ahead, this will be our last regular exam before we head into finals. We will have one small DBQ exercise and a few more homework opportunities before the semester is over.  A small extra credit option will be announced in class this week as well.