Monday, December 17, 2012

Chapter 19+20 Notes

Chapter 19+20 GSPRITE

First colonies in the Americas?
First major production zone-Brazil
Treaty of Tordesillas
Territorial differences between Spanish and Portuguese empires
Middle Passage

Bartolome de las casas
Why were many Native American leaders allowed to maintain power?
Slavery-what percent of pop in Brazil?
Social structure of new world
Slavery in Europe around 1450?
How many slaves sent to new world?  Why so many?
North American vs. South American colonies
Were slave rebellions common?

Lawyers in the new world?  What purpose did they serve?
How did the slave trade help African empires?

Christianity dominate

Technological advantages of the Spanish over the Native American

Commercial systems of Spanish and Portuguese (how they got money)
Encomiendas-Why was this system eventually eliminated?
Agrarian (agricultural) economy with main economic activity of mining
African Trade forts or factories
Triangular trade
Trans-Saharan vs. Trans-Atlantic trade (impact on Africa?) (was it profitable?)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Essay re-write information

If you are submitting a re-write for the Merchant DBQ, here are a few things to keep in mind......
-You must submit a new essay for re-write credit.  Also, all your mistakes that cost you points in the original essay must be corrected in the new essay
-You may submit your essay electronically if it is easier
-Please attached your original score sheet to your essay to receive recovery credit
-All recovery essays are due by Wednesday 12/19/12 at the end of the school day.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Chapter 18 GSPRITE

Territory added
            -First in the East to keep out Mongolians
            -Then West for Warm water ports
The partitioning of Poland…who were the participants?
Poland disappears off the map (will come back after WWI)

Who were the Cossacks?
Who are the Boyars?

Why is the Duchy of Moscow important?

Accomplishments of…
-Ivan III
-Peter the Great
-Catherine the Great

Russian rulers claimed they were continuing the Byzantium traditions

Accomplishments/negatives done by Ivan IV

Name of the New Russian ruling family

How did the Ivans try to connect with the west?
Feudalism stalls technological improvements
Catherine the Great flirts with Enlightenment ideas but does not free the serfs

Stuck in feudalism- Driven by feudalism and almost purely agricultural
Substantial merchant class fails to develop
No merchant class= More government control of economy

Chapter 18 Power-Point Notes

Monday, December 3, 2012

Chapter 16+17 GSPRITE

What areas (exploration and trade are claimed by which countries)
Areas new to the global trade network
Purpose of early explorations=Discover passage to India

The West (Europe) becomes center of world culture
How do New World crops impact Europe?
What did the new European family look like?
What is the Proletariat?

Results of Seven Years War and 30 Years Wars
                  -Warfare in Europe on the rise
Model of an absolute monarch=Louis XIV
Parliamentary Government in Europe=British
Enlightenment movement=looking after common people

Philippines- Only Asian colony to accept Christianity
Martin Luther’s Challenge to Catholic Church
                  -Why did both rich and poor support Luther?
Jean Calvin and Predestination
Edict of Nantes

Prince Henry the Navigator- Promoted exploration for Portugal
Vasco da Gama- First European to reach India by Sea
Chris Columbus- new world discovery
Gutenberg-printing press
Magellan-circumnavigate globe
Copernicus-helio-centric universe

Regional economies move to global
Core economic zones located in Europe
Private exploration=British and Dutch
                  -British and Dutch East India Companies
Gov’t exploration=Spain and Portugal
Colombian Exchange-who got what?
Too much gold for Spain a bad thing?

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Document-Based Question Essay Tips

Just a couple things to keep in mind while you are preparing for your essay on Tuesday……

-It is a good idea to write the rubric for the DBQ on the side of your documents page as soon as you receive it at the start of class.

-Read the question very carefully.  This is not a “positive/negative” question.  The question specifically asks to compare and contrast the documents in a particular way.

-As with any DBQ question, look for any patterns that develop over time.  It is very important to communicate these discovered patterns to the reader as they are at the center of the question

-When writing your thesis, make sure to include all relevant subjects, locations and dates.  Do not forget to give the reader a hint about any change over time issues you have discovered.

-There are several good opportunities for POV points in this essay.  Make sure to address the author and what could be influencing their POV.

As always, please feel free to ask any questions regarding the essays in class.  I will be available after school on Monday 3rd and before school on Tuesday 4th to answer any questions you have regarding the essay.


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Chapter 14+15 GSPRITE Notes

Geography: Mongolian
Location of the 4 Khanates

Social: Mongolian
Tribal organization
Empire creates universal legal code/ peace for much of Asia
Russia develops separate from Europe/ Peasants=serf
Mongolians forbidden to marry Chinese
Confucian scholars reduced to low-level government jobs
Mongolian women refused to adopt Chinese customs
Social: Outside Mongolian Empire
1/3 of population dead in Europe due to plague
Renaissance starts in Italy: What factors allowed this to happen?

Male leader-held power as long as he was able
Early life of Chinggis Khan
First successful campaign-northern China
Grandson Kublai Khan takes Song China
Conquest of Middle East proves bloodiest
Empire divided into 4 parts upon death of Chinngis
Conquest of Russia-Why so easy
Know you Khanates!
Failed conquest of Japan/ Defeat by the Mamluks of Egypt
Political: Outside of Mongolian Empire
Ming Dynasty (Peasant dynasty) to replace Yuan
-Zhenghe explorations

Mongolians do not care much for religion
Mongolians are tolerant of religions throughout the empire

Intellectual/Technology: Mongolian
Military organization-cavalry
Tactics used by Mongolians on battlefield
Weapons-long and short bow, bronze cannons, mace
Mongolian rule prevents Russian contact with Western Europe- Why is this a bad thing during the time period?
Intellectual/Technology: Outside Mongolian Empire
Renaissance culture concerned about humans and earthly world (secular)

Economics: Mongolian Empire
Empire promoted trade
Moscow=tax collection
Economics: Outside Mongolian Empire
When Turkish take over Middle East, did not promote trade
Europeans hit the high seas when trade in Middle East is disrupted

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Chapter 12+13 GSPRITE Review


Extent of Tang Empire
Extent of Song Empire

Urbanization of population-Everyone moving to cities starting in the Tang Period of China
Womens’ rights decrease…..thank you Confucianism!
Purpose of foot-binding? (hint- Not just for beauty)

Sui Dynasty Transition (transition from “Era of Division”)
Civil service exams- family connections were still important in getting a job

Buddhism as State Religion
Buddhism vs Confucianism (Confucianism is king again!)
Pure Land vs. Chan Buddhism

Intellectual/ Technology
Granaries built during the Sui Empire
Where did most art and literature come from in the Song Empire? Ans: Confucian schools/ wealthy class

Improves under the Tang
Grand Canal Project opens new northern region for food production


Island Geography works against Imperial Japanese government

Feudal Japan (people in society)
Free Peasantry starts to disappear

Japan- Periods of rule )- Fujiwara, Minamoto, Ashikaga daimyo
Korean Dynasties (all four)
Both Korea and Vietnam adopt civil service exams like the ones found in China
Vietnam adopts Civil Service Exam but not much else

Japan- Shintoism (Kami=nature spirit) and Buddhism
Korea- Adopts Buddhism
Vietnam- Elite initially adopt Buddhism

Intellectual/ Technology
The nature of Samurai warfare (hand to hand) breaks down after
            -Changes significantly under Daimyo rule

Feudal Structure in Japan (self-sufficient) and exactly like Europe
Korea capitalizes on Chinese trade as a close tributary
Vietnam-Self-sufficient farmers

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Chapter 11 GSPRITE

-Location of Incan and Aztec Territories
-Capital Cities

-Both Incan and Aztecs had socially diverse civilizations
-Total population of post-classical America?  How did it compare to the “Old World”?
-Constant raiding and warfare in lead to complex social stratification for the Aztecs
-As empire grows, so does the gap between rich and poor (Aztecs)

Both had complex government systems
Both allowed for diversity as long as authority was respected
Aztecs= city-states
Inca= Empire
Split Inheritance (Inca)
Incan Socialism

-Both Polytheistic and had human sacrifice
-Both worshipped the sun as a primary god
-Both had Male and Female deities

Intellectual/ Technology:
The Americas develop separate from the “Old World”
How did the Aztecs view the Toltecs?
Which society develops system of writing?
Cyclical calendars?  How does this support their view of history?
Chinampas (Aztec)
Mummification of the dead (Inca)
Extensive roads and terraced farm fields (Inca)

Both had government controlled economies
Specialized merchant class (Aztecs)
Tribute divided up among upper-class (Aztec)

Chapter 11 Notes

Buddhism Breakdown

If you are completing a re-write of the Buddhism DBQ please feel free to view the following notes while you are working.  All re-writes are due on Friday 11/2.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Chapter 9+10 GSPRITE

Byzantine Empire
Geography- Where was empire?
Eastern European Empire
Balkan Peninsula/ Asia Minor/ Southern Russia

Official language was Greek
Large merchant class that had no access to gov’t
People encouraged to join military for land

Capital at Constantinople
Survived for almost 1000 years
Justinian and the outcomes of his wars
Biggest threat was Muslims from Arabia/ Seljuk Turks
Mongolians attacking Russia

Developed Orthodox Christianity
Celibacy of priests

Slavic Alphabet=Cyrillic

Greek Fire

Luxury products

Western Europe

Holy Roman Empire

Scandinavian Invaders=Vikings
Structure of Feudalism
Life of a serf?

Where could the first feudal monarchies be found (England)

Powers of the papacy
Investiture (who could appoint bishops)
Results of crusades


Three-field system
Gothic architecture

Merchant guilds..what did they do

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Tips for your upcoming DBQ essay

Remember these tips:

-Your thesis can stand alone as your introduction paragraph.  Remember to keep it to one or two sentences.

-You can cite documents really easy in your paper by stating the document number (ex: In doc #4 the author………….)

-Grouping of documents is a point on the basic core rubric for this essay.  Paragraphs are an easy way to distinguish a group.  Never “list” documents in an essay from 1-6.  It will result in no points for the grouping category.

-Although they can appear anywhere in the essay (except for the thesis), additional documents (missing docs) can be easily placed at the end of the essay as a conclusion.  Remember to follow up with WHY you would like to hear from the missing source.

-If you are not addressing the author of a document, you are not addressing P.O.V.  Many people just state what the author said in their document.  You need to go one step further and figure out WHY they produced the document in this particular manner.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Chapter 8 GSPRITE

*Note- Test will be on Tuesday......not Monday as it states on the schedule.

First area of Africa to convert to Islam?
Sahel- Where and what is it?
Know where each empire is located (north, west, east or interior of Africa)

Social structure of empires- especially slaves and anything unusual (example…caste system, griots, etc.)

Islam has the largest influence on North Africa
“Stateless” society
Downfall of empires (especially in the west)
Kingdom of the Kongo

Indigenous religion of Africa?
Christian Kingdom= Ethiopia
Why is Islam so popular in many areas (think politically)

Intellectual/ Technology
Slavery in Islamic society-How was it different from elsewhere?
Systems of writing where we have monotheism

East African trade- Products and where were shipments going?
Islam arrival=boost in economy
Slave trade increases

Monday, October 1, 2012

Chapter 6+7 GSPRITE Review

Which areas of the World did Islam spread?

Bedouin- What did pre-Islamic society look like?
Women in Bedouin, Umayyad and Abbasid society?
Citizenship in the Umayyad Empire?

Leaders of Bedouin clans?
Umayyad and Abbasid Empires?
Where did the empires establish their political centers?
Decline of the Umayyad and Abbasid Empires?
Result of Civil wars/ death of al-Rashid
Impact of the Crusades on Europe and the Islamic world?
Why was first crusade successful?

Bedouin religion?
5 Pillars
Death of Muhammad?
Conversion to Islam (why slow at times)?
Sunni, Sh’ia and Sufi
Other Monotheistic religions in Islamic territory?
Differences between Islam and Hinduism?
Who in India is most likely to convert?
Religion of the Seljuk Turks?
Why is there seclusion and veiling of women in Islamic society?

Intellectual/ Technology
What does Islam mean?
Muslim scholars preserve the knowledge of the Roman and Greek scholars
What does the Islamic world get from India as a result of conquest?
Language adopted by the late Abbasid court?
Cities during the Abbasid Empire?

What happens to the economy during the Abbasid period?
Disruption of agriculture in Abbasid period?

Chapter 6+7 Notes

Monday, September 24, 2012


*Please Note: Test will be on Friday 9/24/12
Where else in the world are civilizations taking shape in the world by the end of the classical era (besides the Middle East, India, China and Europe)?
Extent of Roman Empire
Extent of Alexander’s Empire

The word “Barbarian” by 600 c.e.
Roman slaves used for………?  Not used for………?
“breads and circuses”
Roman Empire= multinational

Athenian Democracy
Senate of Rome represented whom?
Roman and Greek government (what do they have in common)
Government styles found in ancient Greece

Polytheism in Greece and Rome
Monotheism adopted late in Roman Empire (Christianity)
Basic beliefs of Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism (See Chart)
Why is Confucianism not a religion?

Intellectual/ Technology
Contributions of Greek/Hellenistic and Roman culture
Romans=Engineering/ Architecture
Socratic Method

Greek and Roman Agriculture (what did it look like?)

Other: Empires side-by-side
Decline of Greece and Rome (Across many GSPRITEs)
Roman decline compared to Gupta India?
Roman decline compared to Han China?
Greece and Gupta (regional governments)
Which traditions survived the Hun invasions in India?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Student Survey for AP World

Please take a moment to complete the following survey.  Click the link below and go to the "Student Literacy Survey".



Monday, September 10, 2012

Chapter 3 Power-point Notes

GSPRITE Chapters 2+3


Why is India easier to invade than China?

Peasants vs. Nobility
Social structure of China

Original Castes of ancient India

Political- These two locations are far more formal in the classical period than earlier civilizations
“Son of Heaven” or “Mandate of Heaven”
Legalism during Zhou and Qin
Confucian during Han
Fall of dynasties?
Why did Chinese government tolerate Daoists?
Daoists vs. Confucianism
Accomplishments of Han Government?

Fragmented kingdoms
Mauryan vs. Gupta Dynasty
Accomplishments of Ashoka

Daoism- Back to nature/ do not like government

Aryans bring religion
Similarities/differences between the two religions
Tolerance toward other faiths/religion
Nirvana/ Moksha
Karma and Dhrma

China’s economic strength
Chinese view of nature
Chinese Art-Careful craftsmanship and attention to details
5 Confucian Relationships/ Beliefs

Literature of ancient India (Holy Texts)
Features of Indian art
Mauryan Empire = Indian Empire
Gupta Period is Golden Age of India….why?

Economic strengths of ancient China?

Merchants have greater freedom than in China

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What to know for your first test..........

Here is a quick review of what will be on your test this Friday.

AP World Chapter 1 Review

What to know for your test:

Positives and Negatives of being human?

Why is geography important to history?

Archeologist do what?

What are the characteristics of the Old Stone Age (Paleolithic Age)

Features of hunting and gathering societies

Agriculture-  Where did the revolution start?  What are the results of agriculture?  First civilizations=small farm villages.

Advantages of metal tools over stone?  Which type of metal was used to create the first tools?

Features of Civilizations?

Compare and contrast Egypt and Mesopotamia- Leadership, outlook, floods

Written language- results?

Monotheistic religion- first society?

Hammurabi’s code of law

Early human beliefs?- Life after death?  What causes change in these societies?

Early civilizations- Geographic locations? Characteristics and advances?

Chapter 1 Power-point Notes

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Welcome to the 2012-13 School Year!

Welcome to my AP World History blog.  Check this page periodically for test help, essay tips and important updates for your class.  Hope you have a great school year!


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Final Exam Review Material

I will be sending all final exam review material this year directly to your student email accounts.  Starting next week, it would be a good idea to periodically check your in-box for practice tests and other materials leading up to the class final and the AP Exam.

Chapter 34 GSPRITE

*Special Note- Test has been moved to Monday, April 30th.

What happened to Korea during the Cold War Era?
Reforms introduced to Japan during occupation?
In what ways was Vietnam similar to other 3rd World Nations?
Douglas MacArthur
Liberal Democratic Party of Japan- Problems?
Kim IL-Sung  and Syngman Rhee
What type of leadership guided South Korea during the 1960’s-1980’s?
What leader established the autocratic government of Taiwan?
What did the U.S. do in regards to Taiwan in 1978?
How does Mao lose his power as state chairman?
“The Gang of Four”
Dien Bien Phu
Intellectual/ Technology
Differences between Chinese Communism and Russian Communism?
The Great Leap Forward
Cultural Revolution
One Child Policy of China
Factors of economic success in post-war Japan?
Japan and South Korea have become economic powerhouses in Pacific Rim
Hyundai- What country does it help out?

Chapter 34 GSPRITE Notes

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

GSPRITE Chapter 33

Why so much ethnic conflict in Africa?

“Population Bomb”
Factors that contribute to high birth rate

Military regimes common across Africa
Ghana- Kwame Nkrumah-What happened to his programs?  What did he do about criticism?
Uganda-Idi Amin
Egypt- Gamal Abdul Nasser
Anwar Sadat (Egypt)- Ended war with Israel
Jawaharlal Nehru- First elected leader of free India
Iran-Ayatollah Khomeini
Iran has war with Iraq in early 1980’s
South Africa- dominated by Nationalist Party until 1994
Nelson Mandela and F.W. de Klerk

Intellectual/ Technology
Aswan Dam project- Modernize Egypt
India is most successful at preserving civil rights
Iranian Revolution is fundamentalist regime (like the Taliban or Mahdi)
What are“homelands” (South Africa)

Some countries have started to export oil to boost economy

Chapter 33 Notes

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Chapter 32 GSPRITE Notes

Guatemalan reforms of Jose Arevelo
Castro’s reforms for Cuba
Military Officers in Latin American (how do they see themselves)
Latin American population- since 1950 it has doubled
Problems faced by Latin America

Political institutions remain unchanged (dictatorships)
CIA in Guatemala
Fidel Castro
26th of July Movement
Ernesto Che Guevara
New Cuban Government-Type of Gov’t?  Received support from who?
Tactics used by military governments in Latin America
Invasion of Panama

Dominate religion is Roman Catholic

Intellectual/ Technology
1st, 2nd and 3rd World
Where can we find communism today?
“Banana Republics”
“Good Neighbor Policy”
Containment of Communism-How does it affect Latin America?

United Fruit Company
Percentage of imports Cuba received from U.S. before embargo=3/4

Chapter 32 Class Notes

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

C+C 2004 (Written in class on 4/17)

Compare and Contrast how the First World War and its outcomes affected Two of the following regions in the period from the war through the 1930’s
-East Asia
-Middle East
-South Asia (Indian Subcontinent)

Chapter 31 Notes

GSPRITE Chapter 31

-Countries of the Eastern Block
-Division of German territory
-Countries that had communist governments separate from Soviet Union- Albania, Greece and Yugoslavia

-Colonies that breakaway from European control (Egypt, Vietnam and India)
-Nikita Khrushchev- How did he change Soviet government after Stalin?
-Mikhail Gorbachev
-NATO-Why was it established?  What did it do?

-Marshall Plan
-Western European countries received aid to fight communism
-Military spending was #1 in US during Cold War
-Welfare state-What services were being offered?
-European Economic Community (EU)
-European economy post WWII?- All time high,  low unemployment

Monday, March 19, 2012

Chapter 30 GSPRITE Notes

Groups that were targeted during Adolf Hitler’s regime
Estimate on total number of people killed during Nazi regime=12 million

Japanese government during the late 1930’s
Promises made to the German People by Adolf Hitler
Factors that contributed to the fall of France
Battle of the Bulge-Hitler’s last attempt to break through
Battle of Midway-Turning point in Pacific war-Japanese fleet out
How did India respond to British war effort in WWII?
What happens to India after Independence?
Jewish Homeland in Palestine
Japanese surrender
The Atlantic Charter

Hindus vs. Muslims in India Independence

Tripartite Pact
Nazi-Soviet Pact
Appeasement- When was this idea abandoned?
Invasion of Soviet Union-Why a mistake
United Nations

None for this exam!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Chapter 29 Power-point

Chapter 29 GSPRITE Notes


Impact of WWI and the Mexican Revolution on Latin America?
Primary goal of the 1910 Mexican Revolution?
What is the PRI?  How is it tied to the Mexican Revolution of 1910?
What country is the dominant foreign power in Latin America after WWI?
How did Russia end participation in WWI?
What Asian country played a major factor in domestic Chinese affairs from 1890-1945?
From what communist country did China receive foreign assistance?
Revolutionary Alliance/ Sun Yat-sen (China)
How was communism in China different than Russia?  Proletariat
Chiang Kai-shek
May Fourth movement
Long March
Adolf Hitler
Totalitarian government
1932 German election results?

Nothing for this test

Intellectual/ Technology
Competing government systems (Democracy, Fascism and Communism)

Europe by mid-1920’s= stability (for most countries)
U.S. Economy is extremely strong immediately following WWI
New Economic Policy (NEP)
Features of the Soviet Economy?
What triggered the Great Depression?
Actions governments took in reaction to the Great Depression?
New Deal

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Chapter 28 GSPRITE Notes.....

Which countries were on which side?
Western Front
Eastern Front
Southern or Italian Front
Colonies outside of Europe (Which countries had them and which did not)
Territory shifts after WWI

Women in war
How did the war affect the home fronts of countries involved?
How many people died in the war?
What groups in Egyptian society benefited from British economic reforms
Dinshawai Incident

How long was the war?
What part of Europe starts war?
Events leading to the outbreak of war?
Surrender of Germany at end of the war?
Treaty of Versailles
Indian National Congress Party
B.G. Tilak
Double colonization of Egypt?
How do the British handle Egyptian Independence?
Differences between Indian and Egyptian Independence?

New Weapons of war-Which is the most deadly?
Which new technology was responsible for bringing the US into conflict?

American involvement in WWI before 1917?
How did Japan profit from war?

Chapter 28 Power-point Notes

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Chapter 27 GSPRITE Notes

Japan=few natural resources
Russia=abundant natural resources

Alexander II-what did he do for Russia?
What rights were extended to newly freed serfs?
Samurai class in Japan
Women in Japan

Japan vs. Russian Govt
The Decembrist Revolt (uprising)
Russo-Japan War
Organization of Japanese Govt at start of time period
Matthew Perry

Shintoism making a comeback in Japan

French Revolution-How did affect Russia?
Lenin’s different idea on Marxism=no middle class phase
Dutch studies groups

How much of Russia Economy was foreign owned by 1900?
How successful was Russia’s program of industrialization?
Japan relies on export economy

Chapter 27 Power-point

CCOT Essay Breakdown

I have attached the review power-point of the CCOT essay if you wish to re-submit for recovery credit.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Chapter 26 GSPRITE Notes

Women’s status in the Ottoman Empire under the Tanzimat Reforms

Weaknesses of the Ottoman Empire
What countries were threatening the Ottoman Empire?
First Region to break away from Ottoman control?
What European power became the crutch to prop up the empire?
Reforms made by Ottoman leaders (results)
            -Selim III
            -Mahmud II
What role did the French play in Egyptian history?
Muhammad Ali
Reforms/attempted reforms of the Manchu?
Dynastic decline of the Ming?
Taiping Rebellion
What year was the last emperor of China deposed?

Mamluks-who were they?   What country?
Muhammad Achmad- Mahdi

Intellectual/ Technology
Suez Canal

Opium trade in China and Results of Opium Wars

Chapter 26 Power-point

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

CCOT Construction

Chapter 25 G-SPRITE Notes

-What countries made up Gran Columbia?
-Cuba breaks away from the United States

Toussaint L’Overture- From what class…how was he viewed by Creole class?
Father Miguel de Hidalgo
Womens’ rights after revolution-=little change

-Latin America able to establish independence from Europe during the age of imperialism
What political ideals were valued by those in Latin America (private property, reform, democratic ideals, etc)
Factors that lead to revolutions in Latin America
Simon Bolivar
Jose de San Martin
Pedro I and II
How is the Brazilian Independence different from the rest of Latin America?
First European country to recognized Latin American independence?
Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
Benito Juarez- La Reforma
Diaz government in Mexico- Claimed to be liberal government


Intellectual/ Technology
French and American Revolutions
Monroe Doctrine
Manifest Destiny


Chapter 25 Power-Points Notes

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Chapter 23+24 Notes

GSPRITE for Chapters 23+24

Purpose of Australia?
Canada transferred from French control to British
Java- Earliest empire courtesy of business initiative
Most important ports in India?
Ethiopia-Why so special?
British take over South Africa

How does the growing population affect Proletariat?
Tropical dependency vs. White dominion

Causes of the French Revolution
How does the French Rev Start?
Moderate phase of French Rev
Radical Phase of French Rev
Napoleon Bonaparte
Affects of Revolution on the Rest of Europe
Peace conference at Vienna
Liberals/ Conservatives/ Radicals
German unification…who was responsible?
Triple Alliance
Triple Entente
Pre-industrial era European expansion(#23)
Declining Mughal Empire
Why was India so easy to conquer?
Militarism on the rise due to fighting over colonies

Evangelical movements

Intellectual/ Technological
Enlightenment Ideas
Louis Pasteur
Benjamin Disraeli
Karl Marx
Charles Darwin
American exceptionalism
Role of the Jingoistic press in shaping foreign policy

Dutch East India Co- Use of Mercenaries to take territory
British East India Co- Ditto
Head and hut taxes
Colonial economies were tied to global markets dominated by Europe