Thursday, November 17, 2011

Chapter 14+15 GSPRITE Review

Geography: Mongolian
Location of the 4 Khanates

Social: Mongolian
Tribal organization
Empire creates universal legal code/ peace for much of Asia
Russia develops separate from Europe/ Peasants=serf
Mongolians forbidden to marry Chinese
Confucian scholars reduced to low-level government jobs
Mongolian women refused to adopt Chinese customs
Social: Outside Mongolian Empire
1/3 of population dead in Europe due to plague
Renaissance starts in Italy: What factors allowed this to happen?

Male leader-held power as long as he was able
Early life of Chinggis Khan
First successful campaign-northern China
Grandson Kublai Khan takes Song China
Conquest of Middle East proves bloodiest
Empire divided into 4 parts upon death of Chinngis
Conquest of Russia-Why so easy
Know you Khanates!
Failed conquest of Japan/ Defeat by the Mamluks of Egypt
Political: Outside of Mongolian Empire
Ming Dynasty (Peasant dynasty) to replace Yuan
-Zhenghe explorations

Mongolians do not care much for religion
Mongolians are tolerant of religions throughout the empire

Intellectual/Technology: Mongolian
Military organization-cavalry
Tactics used by Mongolians on battlefield
Weapons-long and short bow, bronze cannons, mace
Mongolian rule prevents Russian contact with Western Europe- Why is this a bad thing during the time period?
Intellectual/Technology: Outside Mongolian Empire
Renaissance culture concerned about humans and earthly world (secular)

Economics: Mongolian Empire
Empire promoted trade
Moscow=tax collection
Economics: Outside Mongolian Empire
When Turkish take over Middle East, did not promote trade
Europeans hit the high seas when trade in Middle East is disrupted

Monday, November 7, 2011

GSPRITE Review for Chapter 12+13


Extent of Tang Empire
Extent of Song Empire

Urbanization of population-Everyone moving to cities starting in the Tang Period of China
Womens’ rights decrease…..thank you Confucianism!
Purpose of foot-binding? (hint- Not just for beauty)

Sui Dynasty Transition (transition from “Era of Division”)
Civil service exams- family connections were still important in getting a job

Buddhism as State Religion
Buddhism vs Confucianism (Confucianism is king again!)
Pure Land vs. Chan Buddhism

Intellectual/ Technology
Granaries built during the Sui Empire
Where did most art and literature come from in the Song Empire? Ans: Confucian schools/ wealthy class

Improves under the Tang
Grand Canal Project opens new northern region for food production


Island Geography works against Imperial Japanese government

Feudal Japan (people in society)
Free Peasantry starts to disappear

Japan- Periods of rule )- Fujiwara, Minamoto, Ashikaga
Korean Dynasties (all four)
Both Korea and Vietnam adopt civil service exams like the ones found in China
Vietnam adopts Civil Service Exam but not much else

Japan- Shintoism (Kami=nature spirit) and Buddhism
Korea- Adopts Buddhism
Vietnam- Elite initially adopt Buddhism

Intellectual/ Technology
The nature of Samurai warfare (hand to hand) breaks down
            -Changes significantly under Daimyo rule

Feudal Structure in Japan (self-sufficient) and exactly like Europe
Korea capitalizes on Chinese trade as a close tributary
Vietnam-Self-sufficient farmers

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Chapter 11 GSPRITE Notes

-Location of Incan and Aztec Territories
-Capital Cities

-Both Incan and Aztecs had socially diverse civilizations
-Total population of post-classical America?  How did it compare to the “Old World”?
-Constant raiding and warfare in lead to complex social stratification for the Aztecs
-As empire grows, so does the gap between rich and poor (Aztecs)

Both had complex government systems
Both allowed for diversity as long as authority was respected
Aztecs= city-states
Inca= Empire
Split Inheritance (Inca)
Incan Socialism

-Both Polytheistic and had human sacrifice
-Both worshipped the sun as a primary god
-Both had Male and Female deities

Intellectual/ Technology:
The Americas develop separate from the “Old World”
How did the Aztecs view the Toltecs?
Which society develops system of writing?
Cyclical calendars?  How does this affect view of history?
Chinampas (Aztec)
Mummification of the dead (Inca)
Extensive roads and terraced farm fields (Inca)

Both had government controlled economies
Specialized merchant class (Aztecs)
Tribute divided up among upper-class (Aztec)

Chapter 11 Notes