Thursday, January 31, 2013

CCOT Essay + Tips.......

Here is your essay topic that will be written in class on Monday, Feb. 11th.....

Analyze the social and economic transformations that occurred in the Atlantic world as a result of new contacts among Western Europe, Africa and the Americas from 1492-1750.

 How to Achieve Point #4 on a CCOT Essay- Global Context

Global context on a CCOT Essay can be achieved in one of three ways...

1.  Placing the Atlantic world in the context of world history (Ex: Similar to China, the U.S. has been experiencing an economic recession)
2.  Connecting the Atlantic world to a global process (Ex: While independence movements occurred in this region, other independence movements were also influenced by these event in another region)
3.  Interaction between two regions (Not only was this happening in the core European country, it was also happening in the country's colonies)

Basic Structure Example:


Body Paragraph #1
GSPRITE or Continuity

Body Paragraph #2
GSPRITE or Contrast

Body Paragraph #3
Global Context

Restate Thesis

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Chapter 23+24 GSPRITES

*Note: Test has been moved to Monday, February 4th.  The Chapter 24 Study Guide will also be collected this day.

Purpose of Australia?
Canada transferred from French control to British
Java- Earliest empire courtesy of business initiative
Most important ports in India?
Ethiopia-Why so special?
British take over South Africa

How does the growing population affect Proletariat?
Tropical dependency vs. White dominion

Causes of the French Revolution
How does the French Rev Start?
Moderate phase of French Rev
Radical Phase of French Rev
Napoleon Bonaparte
Affects of Revolution on the Rest of Europe
Peace conference at Vienna
Liberals/ Conservatives/ Radicals
German and Italian unification…who was responsible?
Triple Alliance
Triple Entente
Pre-industrial era European expansion
Declining Mughal Empire
Why was India so easy to conquer?
Militarism on the rise due to fighting over colonies

Evangelical movements

Intellectual/ Technological
Enlightenment Ideas
Louis Pasteur
Benjamin Disraeli
Karl Marx
Charles Darwin
American exceptionalism
Role of the Jingoistic press in shaping foreign policy

Dutch East India Co- Use of Mercenaries to take territory
British East India Co- Ditto
Head and hut taxes
Colonial economies were tied to global markets dominated by Europe

Friday, January 25, 2013

Additional resources for French Revolution

Crash Course on the Revolution (12 minute film that details the revolution).

For Fun.......

Chapter 23+24 Power-point