Monday, December 6, 2010

Chapter 17 Study Guide

AP WORLD HISTORY - Chapter 17 Study Guide

            1.            Identify or define the following:
                        a)            Niccolo Machiavelli
                        b)            humanism

            2.            When and why did Italy begin to decline as a Renaissance center?

            3.            What was the Northern Renaissance?

            4.            What were some primary differences between the Northern and Italian Renaissance?

            5.            Identify Francis I.

            6.            How did the Renaissance effect ordinary people or peasants?

            7.            What was Johannes Gutenberg responsible for?

            8.            What was the European-style family pattern?

            9.            Most people could not marry until they had access to ____________________.

            10.            Why is Martin Luther important?

            11.            What are indulgences?

            12.            What were some of Luther's beliefs?

            13.            What does the Luthern version of Protestantism urge?

            14.            Why did some ordinary people shift their allegiance to Luther?

            15.            What was the church established by Henry VIII in England?

            16.            Identify or define the following:
                        a)            Jean Calvin
                        b)            predestination
                        c)            Catholic Reformation
                        d)            Jesuits

            17.            What was the edict of Nantes?

            18.            What were some results of the Thirty Years' War?

            19.            What was the cause of the English Civil War?

            20.            The religious wars led to a grudging and limited acceptance of the idea of ____________________.

            21.            What spurred greater commercialization?

            22.            New World _______________ and _______________ forced prices up and product demand surpassed availability.

            23.            Why did it make sense to take loans for new investments?

            24.            What were some examples of manufacturing specialization?

            25.            One historian has estimated that by about 1600 the average Western peasant or ____________________ owned ________________ as many "things" as his or her counterpart in ____________________ Europe.

            26.            Define or identify the following:
                        a)            proletariat
                        b)            witchcraft persecution
                        c)            scientific revolution
                        d)            Copernicus
                        e)            Johannes Kepler
                        f)            Galileo
                        g)            William Harvey
                        h)            René Descartes
                        i)            Isaac Newton

            27.            What did Deism argue?

            28.            What did John Locke believe?

            29.            How was the Western view of science different compared with that of other civilizations?

            30.            Who was King Louis XIV?

            31.            Define mercantilism.

            32.            Most absolute monarchs saw a strong ____________________ as a key political goal, and many hoped for ____________________ expansion.

            33.            Why did Britain and the Netherlands stand apart from places like France or Prussia?

            34.            What was the Glorious Revolution?

            35.            What characteristics did both absolute and parliamentary monarchies share?

            36.            The many competing nation-states kept the West politically ____________________ and often at ____________________.

            37.            Who was Frederick the Great?

            38.            What was the Enlightenment?

            39.            Who was Adam Smith and what did his economic theory advocate?

            40.            What is Denis Diderot best known for?

            41.            What were some of the basic principles of the Enlightenment?

            42.            Identify Mary Wollstonecraft.

            43.            How did attitudes towards children begin to shift during the Enlightenment?

            44.            How did agriculture change in the late 17th century?

            45.            What was the flying shuttle and who invented this?

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