Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Chapter 34 Study Guide

McCabe                                                                                    Name:__________________
A.P. World History
Chapter 34
Rebirth and Revolution: Nation Building in East Asia and the Pacific Rim
Intro-East Asia in the Postwar Settlements
1. 1.  By the 1980’s what Pacific Rim countries joined the ranks of developed nations?

2.  Who headed the American occupational government of Japan after the conclusion of World War II?

3.  What reforms were made to Japan immediately following the occupation?

4.  What new political party would continue to dominate politics in Japan until the 1990’s?

5.  American occupation of Japan finally ended in what year?

6.  What was complicating Korea’s postwar adjustment period?

7.  Identify the country the following people led…
            A.  Kim Il-Sung-

            B.  Syngman Rhee-

8.  What was the final result with the end of fighting in Korea in 1953?

9.  Who took control of the Island of Taiwan (Formosa) shortly after the conclusion of World War II?

10.  The port of ________________ remained under British control until 1997.

11.  _____________________ retained a large British naval base until 1971.

Japan, Incorporated
12.  From 1955 until 1993, changes in Japanese leadership were mainly handled by the ____________________________and not shifts in voter preference.

13.  Although a new government had been installed after WWII, the new leadership revived many of the ________________ features of Meiji Japan.

14.  At the end of the 1980’s, the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan experienced a setback in the form of political ______________________.

15.  What nickname did the Western governments give to the new system of government-business cooperation to promote economic growth in Japan?

16.  What were some of the ways government participated (or controlled) the business sector in Japan?

17.  What were some of the features of the Japanese workforce/ labor policies started during the 1950’s?

18.  In Japan, there was more group consciousness, including a willingness to abide by __________________________and less concern for quick personal _______________ than was characteristic of most of the West.

19.  How did the feminist movement in Japan compare with the feminists movements in the United States?

20.  In an attempt to revive Japanese identity, the government of Japan invested a large sum of money to train children to eat with __________________ rather than with western utensils.

The Pacific Rim: New Japans?
21.  Besides Japan, what other Pacific Rim nation also was successful economically?

22.  Until the end of the 1980’s, what style of government was adopted by South Korea?

23.  By the 1970’s, in what economic areas was Korea competing successfully?

24.  Companies such as ____________ and _________________ were huge industrial groups that also wielded great political influence.

25.  In 1978, the United States severed official diplomatic ties with this nation.

Mao’s China and Beyond
26.  How was the communist revolution in China different from the communist revolution in Russia?

27.  Although the invasion by the Japanese brought more suffering to the Chinese people, it proved to be an enormous advantage to the _____________________.

28. ______________________ forces proved far more effective fighters against the Japanese than the Nationalist army of China.

29.  What was the name of Mao’s new government?

30.  Which group of people was supposed to be the greatest benefactors of Mao’s new government?

31.  Identify: Party Cadre (you may have to look it up!)-

32.  Although ___________________ administered power for five years after the revolution, the army remained clearly subordinate to the party.

33.  What were two reasons for the breakdown of Chinese/ Soviet relations?

34.  What happened to many of the landlords in rural areas as part of Mao’s social revolution?

35.  In 1953, the Communist party saw ____________________ rather than peasant farmers as the key to China’s future.

36.  What was the name given to Mao’s program of industrialization through small-scale projects integrated into peasant communes?

37.  How did the Chinese government respond to China’s growing population concerns?

38.  Why did Mao lose his position as State Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party?

39.  Who came to power after Mao?

40. What were some of the advances made by Communist China concerning women’s rights?

41.  What was the name of Mao’s last campaign direct against the leadership of the Communist party?

42.  Identify: “Gang of Four”-

Colonialism and Revolution in Vietnam
43.  Identify: Nguyen Anh-

44.  In what decade did the French have control of the entire country of Vietnam?

45.  What party was formed to violently overthrow the French oppressors from Vietnam?

46.  Identify: Ho Chi Minh-

47.  What was the name given to the Communist dominated nationalist movement?

48.  What battle signaled a decisive victory for Viet Minh forces and an end to French rule in Vietnam?

49.  Who did the United States back in South Vietnam in an attempt to overthrow Ho Chi Minh’s forces?

50.  Which side was victorious in the struggle to control Vietnam by 1975?

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