Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chapter 14 Study Guide (Due this Friday)

AP WORLD HISTORY - Chapter 14 Study Guide

            1.            At the peak of their power, the domains of the Mongol ________ made up a vast realm in which hostile peoples lived to together in __________ and most religions were _________.

            2.            In most ways, the Mongols epitomized _______________ society and culture.

            3.            What did Mongol herds consist primarily of?

            4.            What was the basic unit of Mongol society?

            5.            Who elected leaders of the Mongols?

            6.            Identify Kabul Khan.

            7.            What was Chinggis Khan's childhood like?

            8.            What important event occurred in 1206 to the Mongols?

            9.            Define the following:
                        a)            Kuriltai
                        b)            Khagan

            10.            The Mongol armies were entirely _______________,

            11.            Define tumens.

            12.            What were some new weapons used by the Mongols?

            13.            What Turkic empire did Chinggis Khan focus on in 1219?

            14.            What was the Mongols favorite battle tactic?

            15.            By 1227, the year of Chinggis Khan's death, the Mongols ruled an empire that stretched from eastern _______________ to the _______________ _______________ Sea.

            16.            What was the new capital of the Mongol Empire under Chinggis Khan?

            17.            What was Chinggis Khan's religious policy in the Mongol Empire?

            18.            What were some positive aspects of Chinggis Khan's imperial rule?

            19.            Following Chinggis Khan's death, who succeeded him as leader of the Mongols?

            20.            Which one of the four great Khanates invaded Russia in 1236?

            21.            What did Russians call the Mongols or Tartars?

            22.            Were the Mongols able to defeat Russia?  Yes or No

            23.            Under Mongol rule, what happened to the Russian peasantry?

            24.            What was unique about Moscow and Mongol treatment of this city?

            25.            After 1328, Moscow profited from its status as the _______________ _______________ for the Mongol _______________.

            26.            Who won the Battle of Kulikova?

            27.            Who lost the Battle of Kulikova?

            28.            Why was the Mongol conquest a turning point in Russian history?

            29.            The Mongol example may have influenced the desire of Russian _______________ to _______________ their control and reduce the limitations placed on their power by the landed _______________, clergy, and wealth merchants.

            30.            In the period of Mongol rule, Russia was _______ _______ from key transformations in _______________ _______________ that were inspired by the Renaissance and led ultimately to the Reformation.

            31.            Who was Prester John?

            32.            Why did the Mongols not pursue the conquest of western Europe?

            33.            What was the main project of Hulegu?

            34.            Hulegu, another grandson of Chinggis Khan, was the ruler of the _______________ portion of the Mongol Empire.

            35.            Why do historians consider the defeat of Baghdad and the coming of the Mongols as one of the great catastrophes in the history of Islam?

            36.            What dynasty defeated the Mongols in 1260?

            37.            Who cooperated with the Muslims to defeat the Mongols?

            38.            Identify:
                        a)            Berke
                        b)            Kubilai Khan

            39.            Song China proved to be one of the _______________ areas for the Mongols to conquer.

            40.            What did Kubilai Khan do in 1271?

            41.            What was the status of Mongolian women during the Yuan dynasty of China?

            42.            Identify Chabi.

            43.            What was Kubilai's policy on religion?

            44.            Why did Kubilai refuse to reinstate the examination system?

            45.            What two social groups benefited the most from the Yuan administration?

            46.            What were some of Kubilai Khan's policies toward the peasants that helped this group?

            47.            A man from a _______________ _______________ family, Ju Yuanzhang, emerged to found the _______________ dynasty in China.

            48.            Identify Timur-I Lang.

            49.            What areas were exposed to the Turkic expansion of the 1360s?

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