Monday, February 21, 2011

Chapter 27 Study Guide

McCabe                                                                        Name:_______________________
A.P. World History
Chapter 27 Study Guide
Russia and Japan: Industrialization Outside the West

Introduction and Russia’s Reforms and Industrial Advance

1.  What two areas of the world defied the common patterns of Western domination in the nineteenth century?

2. By 1914 Russia and Japan had managed to launch significant programs of  ____________________ and to make other changes designed to strengthen their _________________and _______________systems.

3. In the process, ________ pulled away from other Asian societies, while ______________ultimately enhanced its power in world affairs.

4.  Identify some of the similarities between Japan and Russia during this time period.

5.  What European Revolution posed a threat to the Russian monarchy?

6.  What nations made up the Holy Alliance?

7.  Identify: Decembrist Uprising-

8.  How did Russia avoid a significant revolution from 1830-1848?

9.  Although Russia was a dynamic diplomatic and military force, the country was unable to acquire much new ________________ during this period.

10.  In return for ______________________ exports, Russia imported western ________________ as well as _______________________ for the aristocrats.

11.  While the West was on its way to mechanization, Russia remained a profoundly __________________________ society based on serf labor.

12.  The Crimean War (1854) was fought between which two countries?

13.  What two western European powers intervened in this war?

14.  What was the outcome of the Crimean War?

15.  Which Russian Czar was responsible for emancipating the Russian serfs?

16.  Identify the reasons why Russian serfs were emancipated in 1861?

17.  Although emancipated, the serfs obtained no new ________________ rights and were still tied to their villages until they could pay for the ___________ they were given.

18.  Emancipation of the serfs created a larger ____________________, but it did not spur a significant revolution in _________________ productivity.

19.  Identify: zemstvoes-

20.  Russia began to industrialize with the establishment of the _____________________ which connected European Russia with the Pacific.

21.  Identify: Count Sergei Whitte-

22.  What three foreign countries constituted the ownership of approximately half of all Russian industry around 1900?

23.  As a result of foreign investment and ownership, did Russia progress forward or fall further behind their western neighbors?

24.  What areas of Russian society still continued to lag behind the West?

Protest and Revolution in Russia

25.  Explain why each of the following groups became active in political protest and/or revolution in Russia during the later half of the 19th Century.
A.  Peasants-

B.  Intelligentsia-

26.  ___________________ were radicals who used terrorism in an attempt to abolition all forms of government.

27.  In what ways did the Russian government try to stop reforms from “getting out of hand” after the assassination of Alexander II?

28.  Identify: Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov-

29.   What was Lenin’s innovation to Marxist theory?

30.  Lenin’s approach to revolution in Russia was adopted by what political party?

31.  One of the immediate causes of the Russian Revolution of 1905 was a failure to defeat _____________ in a 1904 conflict.

32.  The Russian government tried to appeal to__________ by creating a national parliament called the ________.

33.  Identify: Piotyr Stolypin-

34.  Identify: Kulaks-

35. Which eastern European societies tried to emulate the West (and to a lesser extend Russia)

Japan: Transformation Without Revolution

36.  During the first half of the 19th Century, the Tokugawa shogunate continued to combine a central ____________________ with semi feudal alliances between regional _______________ and _____________________.

37.  In Japan, by 1859, more than _______ percent of all men and over _______ percent of all women were literate.

38.  Identify: Dutch Studies Group-

39.  Who was the American Commodore who forced the opening of Japan to foreign trade?

40.  Identify: Mutsuhito-

41.  What social accomplishments were made by Meiji ministers between 1873-1876?

42.  Identify: Iwasaki Yataro-

43.  List some of the significant political reforms made by Japan in the 1880’s.

44.  Identify: Diet-

45.  The Japanese and Russian political systems were similar in that they were both centralized and __________________ but Japan incorporated ______________________ into their government structure whereas Russia defended a more traditional ___________________.

46.  Identify: zaibatsu-

47. After industrialization, what western fashions were copied by the Japanese?

48.  What religion was “winning new interest” in Japan in the late 1800’s? 

49.  Identify: Sino-Japanese War- 

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